Emotional Support
Emotional Support
We all need emotional support in some way or another and in different quantities depending on what is going on in our lives. Allow me to give you a safe and supportive space to say what’s on your mind without being judged.
I will listen and offer genuine empathy and compassion when expressing how you are feeling without imposing views or opinions. Being supported can help you to feel accepted for expressing the way you feel – warts and all, leading to positive results, enhanced feelings of well-being, increasing your ability to cope and lifting your overall mood.
When we feel emotionally supported it allows us to explore and understand our thoughts and feelings and work through the challenges together, giving you more breathing space to help you cope with day-to-day life. and gives you the opportunity to explore deeper issues that may be impacting your ability to cope long-term.
In a world of ever-changing status quo of expectations, it is no wonder both men and women today face no shortage of challenges.
Need help navigating through the haze and confusion? Feeling overwhelmed and unsure? I’d love to share space with you, hear your story and move towards finding realistic solutions to restore balance and contentment.