Adapting to Change
Adapting to Change
It’s a natural reaction to resist change when in fact the way to adapt is the opposite as you cannot change what has changed but you certainly can make new plans which requires letting go and looking forward with no regrets. If only it was as easy as it sounds.
Adapting to change means growth, learning new skills and embracing a new outlook whilst dealing with emotions that form the natural grieving process that comes with change – that’s not to say we can’t split into two and do both!!! Yes it’s possible!!
Let’s work together to manage stress, anxiety and overcome obstacles by brainstorming ideas, identifying priorities, establishing goals and developing a step-by-step plan, and begin the new journey – empowered with new skills and perspectives for you to face change, take on new challenges and situations as they arise.
If there is one thing constant in this world it’s change. How we adapt to change makes the difference

Let me help you
Identify the issue(s) Prioritise what needs to be done first Explore the solutions, options and barriers Adopt new strategies and coping techniques Resolve and/or adapt to the situation Empowerment and growth
Separation and Divorce
Loss of a loved ones including friends and furry friends
Health crisis
Accident recovery
Midlife crisis
Menopause and change of life
Empty nester
Loss of Business, career and redundancy
Moving house or Location (Loss of community)
Retirement and the Big 50,60,70,80 and 90
World events, Economic, Political, Pandemic and Weather events